Nasza sieć –
wykwalifikowani partnerzy dla Twojego procesu mycia
Chętnie korzystamy z pomocy naszych licznych firm partnerskich, które nas konsekwentnie wspierają w oferowaniu najwyższej jakości usług w odniesieniu do zadań związanych z myciem części oraz obróbką powierzchniową.
Poza tym w tym miejscu prezentujemy interesujące źródła i strony internetowe, które dostarczają informacji związanych z przemysłową techniką mycia, chemią myjącą, procesami mycia oraz obróbką części.

Stowarzyszenie ds. przemysłowego cmycia części (Fachverband industrielle Teilereinigung e. V. , FiT) reprezentuje dostawców, użytkowników, firmy doradcze, inżynieryjne i serwisowe, instytuty naukowe oraz stowarzyszenia działające w branży przemysłowego mycia części. Jego celem jest reprezentowanie i wspieranie ogólnych, ideowych i naukowych interesów jego członków.
![[Translate to Polnisch:] fairXperts GmbH & Co. KG [Translate to Polnisch:] fairXperts GmbH & Co. KG](/fileadmin/Images/ECOCLEAN/05_Company/04_Network/03_fairXperts_Logo.jpg)
Firma fairXperts GmbH & Co. KG może pochwalić się ponad 30-letnim doświadczeniem w zakresie opracowywania koncepcji, organizowania i przeprowadzania technicznych targów specjalistycznych, seminariów i konferencji, poświęconych różnej tematyce przemysłowej. W szczególności w kwestii mycia części, technologii okrawania oraz powierzchni precyzyjnych dostępna jest we współpracy z FiT (Fachverband industrielle Teilereinigung e.V.) szeroka oferta pozwalająca na dzielenie się wiedzą i doświadczeniem.

The Association represents the interests of the industry and serves 1,350 companies and 54,500 employees. It is committed to rapid patient access to innovation and high-quality standards. Swiss Medtech also initiates specialised training programmes, challenges rising levels of regulation, and pushes for free trade and fair tariffs. Together with its specialist groups and partners, the Association is committed to favourable conditions and to an attractive setting for research and other professional activities within Switzerland. Swiss Medtech supports and advises its members on regulatory, legal, and collective bargaining issues, and provides regular updates on the latest economic and political developments. Further activities include organizing events and meetings - such as the Swiss Medtech Day. Networking within the industry will also remain an important focus of the association.

MedicalMountains GmbH is an organization for networking and supporting all key players in the medical technology sector. MedicalMountains GmbH promotes dialogue, combines strengths and creates platforms for exchange. Cooperation and synergies are made possible through strategic and systematic coordination: Cooperation and mutual benefit with regional, national and international partners provide small and medium-sized enterprises in particular with an important knowledge and technology advantage.

As an independent knowledge and network organization, Mikrocentrum has been supporting the technical manufacturing industry for over 50 years with Training, Events and Business. Mikrocentrum offers over 170 (technical) courses and annually organize 6 trade fairs, 5 business events and 15 thematic events. In addition to these activities, Mikrocentrum offers companies a membership of the High Tech Platform, which now consists of 600 members. The aim is to increase knowledge, expand networks, improve business processes and to strengthen the competitive position of companies by working closely with a large network of industrial organizations, (semi) governments, knowledge and educational institutions.

The European Research Association for thin films (EFDS) is a non-profit association and is active in the field of thin film technology. The office is located in Dresden - in the center of the European semiconductor industry and in an important center of vacuum engineering.
The EFDS is represented by its member companies and institutions and their personal members as well as by 10 board members, numerous members of the advisory board and the specialist committees, 1 national coordinator and 4 employees in the office.

The Manufacturing Technologies Association (MTA) is the UK’s trade association for companies in the manufacturing technology sector. MTA members design, manufacture and supply the advanced machinery, equipment and intellectual property that enable the creation of the products we rely on from day to day and that drive our economy. Key aspects of manufacturing technology include; machine tools, cutting tools, metrology (measuring) equipment, additive manufacturing (3D printing), surface finishing, robotics and computer aided design and manufacturing products (CAD/CAM), as well as the technology which is enabling the digitalisation of manufacturing – the fourth industrial revolution. The MTA delivers: marketing support and networking opportunities; specific and relevant economic and technical information; representation to Government and other stakeholders; help for exporters; and support for learning and development within member companies and beyond. The MTA owns and runs MACH, the UK’s premier event to showcase manufacturing technologies.
![[Translate to Polnisch:] MO Magazin [Translate to Polnisch:] MO Magazin](/fileadmin/Images/ECOCLEAN/05_Company/04_Network/MO-Magazin-fuer-Oberflaechentechnik_Logo_320px.png)
Fachowe czasopismo mo Magazin für Oberflächentechnik informuje o aktualnych tematach związanych z funkcjonalną i dekoracyjną obróbką powierzchniową metali, tworzyw sztucznych, szkła i drewna. Dzięki ekskluzywnym opracowaniom, sprawozdaniom, reportażom i informacjom o produktach magazyn mo oferuje specjalistom i dysydentom z branży praktyczne informacje.

ICT is the supplement of ipcm® dedicated to industrial cleaning, metal polishing, mass metal finishing, super-finishing, shotpeening, and surface preparation in general.
ICT provides success stories and technical case-studies about the application of new technologies, technical articles covering all aspects of industrial parts cleaning, industry news and market overviews.
Its readership is made by Decision-Makers of OEMs, manufacturers of components for different industrial fields, and metal finishing shops which have to provide a high cleanliness level to their parts.
In addition ICT is read by research institutes, university centres and laboratories.